All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click All it takes is just one click
June 06, 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Minute; But Like 'My-Newt'
When something's on my mind, it skips. Like a broken record. There's writers block, and there's this thing that I have.

I think about things in full sentences. From the first capital letter right down to the period. Normally, I go over these sentences and try to figure out why I even thought of it in the first place. But that's just about where it ends. It's like those words don't want to end up on paper (or blogs, for that matter). They just want to sleep and prance around in the confinements of my average sized brain.

Instead, when I write, I end up spewing out 'substitute' words that belong on cliche suicide notes. It's pathetic.

It's messing with my head. I'm incapable of voicing out my emotions. That takes guts. I'm already lacking in that area as it is. Besides, people don't want to hear my thoughts. (Unless they're getting paid to, but that's irrelevant)

So what's there left to do? Just keep it in, and pretend that it's not bubbling into rage?
Or try to fish it out and end up with countless of meaningless posts such as this one?

0 Cliquot(s)

June 03, 2009 @ 7:12 PM

What's that word?

It's that word that describes how you feel when you suspect that the people around you are using you; and don't do a good job of hiding it, might I add. The word that was made for people who comply to every petty favor asked from them (asking for favors is just a subtle form of ordering people around, don't you think?) but don't get thanked. You know...that feeling you get when your slip ups are 'put under a microscope' -as they say- but your efforts to make things right just go unnoticed?

Hold on, I think I remember. The word's 'underappreciated'. You could even call it taken for granted, if that concept's easier to grasp.

0 Cliquot(s)